Monday, December 1, 2008

Remove the Terror within...



Whenever I hear the comments "We are like that only”, “Somebody must fix the politicians” "Chalta hai yaar!” I am filled with anguish, shame, and a resultant hopelessness, as I fathom the reality behind these phrases. 

The terror attack on Mumbai may have “awakened” the dormant sleeping citizen within us but it is yet to cure us of the deep rooted pathology of each and every one who calls himself an Indian. Certain things persistently refuse to change. We remain unmoved until there is a media sensationalisation of the events, to stab us repeatedly with recurring images of horror and death. We are unprovoked even if there is shameless display of cheap meanovours by politicians. There are still a vast majority of people who are blissfully unaware of and unbothered by the repercussions as long as it is not their loved ones who have been lost.


People are angry, smses are doing the rounds, peace marches and candle light processions are being carried on throughout the city, there are placards and posters and angry voices and debates. 

But is that really enough? When I hear people scream “enough is enough” just seems a rhetoric which is now mechanically being uttered in every upper middle class household. But how many of us are really thinking of deep seated core issues which have never been tackled and are the key precipitating factors for terror. I am not talking about only the government incompetence, the ineffective bureaucracy, uncoordinated and under equipped intelligence and security force, so on and so forth. These are still factors which will get redressed very very slowly owing to international as well as local pressures. What remains unaccounted for is the the mentality of the people, the lack of political consciousness and the complete absence of a public will! We remain fragmented and divisive sub-consciously. Loud shouts of "jai hind"," mera bharat Mahan" and "mumbai meri jaan" aren’t enough to disguise the narrow-mindedness of the society that we live in. 

So what is really needed is not a movement to bring the elite classes out on the streets but for them to get together to build a nation where poverty, illness, lack of education, caste and religious differences and dissatisfaction is threatening to destroy the very foundations of a nation we have just resolved to mobilize for the fight against terror. As citizens of the richest metropolitan in the country, we need to realize that the small world of our friends and neighbors isn’t India! 

A poor fisherman transports terrorists to the coast for a small sum of money, villagers and youth in rural India resort to joining fanatical camps and groups of naxalites as a solution to unemployment, a small street urchin goes and places an unidentified package in the dustbin for a few rupees, each quite oblivion to the fate of hundreds of families who are going to lose their bread winners or the loved ones.  Caste wars, killings in the name of religion, separatism among the states kindled by politicians are perpetual miseries for India

When are we going to throw away this terror of hatred, corruption and moral decline which we as Indians have carried with us as some sort of a heritage? When are we really going to take our constitutional power to vote seriously? Is criticizing the politicians and protesting enough, or do we need to stand up and decide to take the reigns of power into our own hands?  Are we ready to unite together for one goal, one inspiration and go down to the root of all the miseries of our social reality? 

We need more awareness, we need large scale reforms at the ground level, we need education and not mere literacy required to broaden and sensitize minds of the masses.  It is not only the bookish education we have continued as a British legacy which would suffice, but true education in the values and morals. An education, required to create the urge in every farmer to care for his nation, for every entrepreneur to make ethics and corporate social responsibility as personal tagline, for every public servant to wake to the demands of the people who in turn take the nation and its running as a personal responsibility!  

Each one of us has to make a start by changing the attitude towards the fellow beings and the society. The impact will be felt by one and all but once a different level of awakening seeps in! 

All this to be possible in the current scenario is an enormous task in itself, but it has to take place and now. It’s no longer for growth and development alone, but as an essential pre-requisite to our safety and security! Revolutionary attitudinal change is not a dream to be is the most crying need, and unless its tackled on a systemic level as a priority, and planned as a nation wide endeavor...the terror will continue to keep hitting us if not in the form of terrorist attacks and bomb blasts then as a perpetuating terror of the mind! Yes its time to say" enough is enough" the corrupt narrow minds the hypocrisy the terror within!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Keeping the child alive!

I love being a child! Loads of pampering, lots of love and a most lovely family and a bunch of good friends makes it all the more pleasurable!

The sweet childish looking face or the innocent naive attitude,the anytime- unstoppable laughter or the bubbling energy;its all enough evidence of the child within me which just doesn't know what being serious and grown-up- like means!

Just as I begin to feel the maturity in my thoughts,the responsibility in my actions when circumstances demand so;there is the silliness of the heart which takes over especially in times I am feeling vulnerable and low! Its not escapism nor running away from realities,its just a comfort and inherent joy which makes life look beautiful as it seemed when I was a child!

When I am a child there is just pure love in the air,an innocence in every gesture,where friendships and family ties are precious! Everything is a game and all worries just melt away and every moment looks like a gift.

Even crying comes so naturally and so does the healing of wounds once I surrender myself to that child within. There is safety in being a child, there is joy in being a child!

Among children the child in me comes into its own;it becomes so involved and engrossed that its hard to believe its mind is that of an 18 year old. It can be crazy and silly and throw tantrums at times;it can turn irritating and annoying when it takes hold of me at the wrong time.

The child in me is lovely and I would never let it go,but without the discipline and intelligence to counter its innocent charm,it might just get labelled as immaturity and stupidity in a world full of demands!

I wish to grow and explore,to spread my wings and fly,to gain in knowledge and wisdom and accomplish a lot more than what I have!

I still want that nurturing,that comfort and that love;but also a sense of respect and confidence of having principles to stand by!

Along this process,there is one thing I wouldn't ever leave,the child in me would always remain;the smile, the enthusiasm would never wane and keep charming all those who say;"You never seem to change!!"

Monday, September 1, 2008


Thank god! its a Sunday..."...the most commonly heard refrain, the most delightful of all notes is just one way to express from the heart's core...the peace, the relaxation and the awe that this one wonderful day of the week inspires.
A Sunday is that day when I can stare at my watch at and still go back to sleep, have breakfast for lunch and still keep on eating the whole day. Its the day of leisure which we are all entitiled to and which we love to cherish! (so what if it means doing some boring work like sorting laundry, doing plates and having to watch a ekta soap with mom at night!)
I am one of those who consider Sunday as one of those few moments in your life when you actually get to "stand and stare"! A lazy Sunday is as special as a fruitful and useful Sunday spent in putting some semblance of order into the entire week's activity. A Sunday is not just a holiday from school, college or work but a holiday for the mind which has been busy collecting clutter from all over; sprinkled with a few valuable pearls of wisdom and a few learning experiences. A Sunday can be transforming if you manage to strain out the weeks clutter to reach those pearls!!Definitely not difficult to find; you tend to bump into some of them in a family conversation, a nature walk or by just staring at your ceiling fan while you are lying lazily on your bed!
Still for some Sunday is yet another day!
If you are on vacation...every day is a Sunday...and if your mind refuses to stop working over hours,the Sunday just flies away with not even a glimpse of its wonders to the one deprived of its joys. If you wish to think deeper almost any day can be assigned to be the "Sunday" of the mind!
In the Bible the Sunday is the day for rest! For me its a day of rejuvenation. A Sunday can be empowering when I turn it into a 'spring cleaning' session; it can be meaningful when its a gift to those I love; it can be stimulating when I retrospect on the week behind and anticipate the week to come; it can be healthy when spend in exercise; but the most wonderful Sunday is the one in which no matter what I do, I Feel Alive and satisfied that I could make space for a Sunday in my life!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Xavier's Charm

The best Arts College in Mumbai, the hip place, the cool crowd; everyone seems to have their own perspective on St.Xavier’s college. All I went along with was the hearsay and a sense of anticipation, curiosity and excitement. Now three years on I still don’t know exactly what Xaviers is all about. Is it just the fabulous faculty which puts our outdated syllabus into a whole new perspective? Or the extra effort to look up references and keeping with your research that suddenly makes education in India worthwhile inculcating an urge to explore, or a fascination for a new philosophy which brings out writers passion and forms the artist’s muse. Or the exuberance of the Malhar fest which is a fest of the students, for the students and by the students in the true sense!!
Or is it all this and the times spend chatting in the foyer making a show of journal completion and pending assignments while having all the fun we can, or grabbing a place around the self sufficient canteen and munching on the pav bhaji, lovely dosas and lip smacking Chinese spread!!
At times just looking at the wonderful arches, the woods which presently having lost the only two trees looks more like a bushy garden, the Hogwarts-like staircase, the ancient looking but modernly equipped library makes you look up in awe and gratitude. Just three years and I feel so much at home and you can’t escape the pride of “We the Xavierites” which eventually runs through the heart of every Xavier’s student.
The people- the crowd is anything but the stereotypes of the sexy babes, dopers and smokers. Its all about being hip and cool in your own way and Xavier’s assures a niche for everyone-the street dancer, the social activist kinds, the scholars who are far away from nerdy. Its one place where segregating the various students into jocks, preps, geeks and nerds becomes extremely inconvenient if not impossible as you can be all of these at some point and stay on top of things. One thing common for all Xavierites would be their go-getter attitude…its just gets engrained in even the most shy guy or gal that dreams do become a reality...its in your hands to open your doors to all the wonderful avenues which Xavier’s strives in getting you as close to as possible.
You will hear everyone talking of Xavier’s as a way of life, and I believe it’s possible because most people here know why they are here and it’s not by accident that the best minds just find their way here…it’s the Xavier’s charm which is irresistible and I am already enchanted!!