Monday, September 1, 2008


Thank god! its a Sunday..."...the most commonly heard refrain, the most delightful of all notes is just one way to express from the heart's core...the peace, the relaxation and the awe that this one wonderful day of the week inspires.
A Sunday is that day when I can stare at my watch at and still go back to sleep, have breakfast for lunch and still keep on eating the whole day. Its the day of leisure which we are all entitiled to and which we love to cherish! (so what if it means doing some boring work like sorting laundry, doing plates and having to watch a ekta soap with mom at night!)
I am one of those who consider Sunday as one of those few moments in your life when you actually get to "stand and stare"! A lazy Sunday is as special as a fruitful and useful Sunday spent in putting some semblance of order into the entire week's activity. A Sunday is not just a holiday from school, college or work but a holiday for the mind which has been busy collecting clutter from all over; sprinkled with a few valuable pearls of wisdom and a few learning experiences. A Sunday can be transforming if you manage to strain out the weeks clutter to reach those pearls!!Definitely not difficult to find; you tend to bump into some of them in a family conversation, a nature walk or by just staring at your ceiling fan while you are lying lazily on your bed!
Still for some Sunday is yet another day!
If you are on vacation...every day is a Sunday...and if your mind refuses to stop working over hours,the Sunday just flies away with not even a glimpse of its wonders to the one deprived of its joys. If you wish to think deeper almost any day can be assigned to be the "Sunday" of the mind!
In the Bible the Sunday is the day for rest! For me its a day of rejuvenation. A Sunday can be empowering when I turn it into a 'spring cleaning' session; it can be meaningful when its a gift to those I love; it can be stimulating when I retrospect on the week behind and anticipate the week to come; it can be healthy when spend in exercise; but the most wonderful Sunday is the one in which no matter what I do, I Feel Alive and satisfied that I could make space for a Sunday in my life!!